Our Dordrecht Christmas Cards are now available at Kyck over den Dyck mill, Dordrecht.
And this is a special local series. The featured details are created using fragments of canvas which come from the powerful sails of the Kyck over den Dyck windmill in Dordrecht.
The paper is handmade at the Middelste Molen in Loenen and includes shredded scraps of Euro bank notes. Yes, really.
All very local, and nice to give or receive.
Kyck over den Dyck mill is at Noordendijk 144, 3311 RR Dordrecht. Open Wednesdays 13.00 to 16.00 and Saturdays 10.00 to 16.00
#millmadeeu #millmade #EriktheApron #HenktheLunchBag #MotheMatFamily #Yoolythebasket #upcycling #recycling #remnantfabric #windmills #watermill #kijkoverdendijk #dordrecht #kyckoverdendyck